surveillance camera

We are participating a unique camera program in Brooklyn

We are participating a unique camera program in Brooklyn

Safezone24 is participating a unique camera program in Crown Heights, Brooklyn
Local business improvement districts received the grant from the borough president, then they chose busy and unprotected areas in their commercial district to implement Operation Safe Shopper.

You can help identify the perpetrators

You can help identify the perpetrators

You can help identify the perpetrators. watch the moments before the attack of a Jewish bus driver in crown heights on May 5th. A brick, aimed at the head of a Jewish bus driver, was thrown by a group of teenagers. The video footage shows the minutes before the attack as well as the teenager choosing the brick from a nearby construction site and waiting for the school bus to come closer in order to hit the driver.

The Hitchhiker's Guide to Security Cameras

The Hitchhiker's Guide to Security Cameras

Security cameras is a powerful force against burglars. Just the sight of security cameras might scare off an intruder, because criminals don't want to be seen or leave behind evidence. If your home is burglarized, security cameras can help police identify and find the burglar.